Focus on Critical and Precious metals

Due to shortages in supply, in particular Copper and Zinc, as well as the increasing demand for metals for infrastructure projects in the USA and around the world, polymetallic deposits remain an attractive investment. Furthermore, the management team and board have significant international experience with exploration and development.

First mover advantage and under-explored highly prospective areas
The lowest opportunity cost discoveries are from areas that haven’t been heavily explored. Wolfden was the first mover in the State of Maine after a 30 year hiatus in exploration, allowing for the selection of the best projects at a reasonable cost.

Exploration upside
Pickett Mountain is one of the highest grade undeveloped VMS in North America that remains open at depth and along strike. Given that the deposit occurs in a regional extensive and underexplored volcanic belt, the Company is well positioned for significant exploration upside.  Nickel Island, in Manitoba is much the same, with obviously exploration upside of an existing good grade nickel sulphide deposit.

Low cost
The Pickett Mountain area in Maine benefits from modern infrastructure, with excellent access, power, water, accommodations, supplies and services that all reduce the cost of exploration, development and operations.

Manage investment risk
Wolfden will continue to assess other opportunities that add value and reduce risk within its portfolio of projects. Board members have a proven track record in partnering with larger operators to develop projects and mitigate risk.

Targeting development and production
Wolfden applies systematic exploration techniques and advanced engineering studies to develop its projects towards a production decision. In the process, the Company will adhere to World Bank Standards with respect to the environment, social impacts and its mining and processing practices.